Restless Swords Inc.
We provide GAME products for various platforms.
1) Memory Lost-Pairs™
A Video Game that tests and improves your memory. on various platforms,
including: AppStore® iPhone®
and Steam™ Windows®
2) Fox Goes Hunting™
A new and different Video Game on various platforms, including Steam™ Windows®
3) SL-Alerts™
Show you the login status of chosen SecondLife Avatars.
4) Second Life™
Hundreds of animated animals, target systems, dancers and pets, Google" calendar, etc. on Second Life
- 10 years ago we designed and implemented various dynamic target systems with selectable difficulty levels
- Personal-Practice single target that appears in random positions and moves
- Tournament system with multiple types of targets that appear in random positions and move
- Shooting-Range with multiple lanes of targets that appear in random positions and move
- Next we designed and implemented many dozens of various animated animals
- Huntable attacking animals often used in hunts or as part of hunting tournaments
- Roaming peaceful animals typically used to provide atmosphere and realism to sims
- Dancing characters (skeletons, teddy-bears, chimps, pirate, scarecrow, witch, fairies, etc) with dance-machine
- Attached-Pet characters that follow the avatar around, walking or standing or dancing
- In-world Google™ event calendar display and in-world Flickr™ display
- Many many more highly-scripted products such as rock-climbing, holiday Concentration™ memory boards, flyable jets, etc.